Are you also searching for ultrasound clinic in Quezon City? Specifically in Novaliches area. I also tried to make some research to nearby clinics for I need to be practical, since some clinics are offering same procedure but different prices. I first asked the hospital I am going to for my pre-natal check up. I called Pacific Global Medical Center to ask their rate and it is around 3100 pesos. Yes? It's almost the same price of a 4d ultrasound. Second inquiry was at Face to Face in SM North Edsa. 2D CAS is 2500. Wow quite cheaper than the first one. If you want to have your Congenital Scan you have to call them for an appointment and they have fixed schedule Tuesday 12NN to 4PM and Friday 3-6 PM. See the photo below for their package: Third clinic I called is New World Diagnostic in Baesa. CAS is at 1800+. After finding out it's the cheapest I settled. I didn't book for an appointment because it's a first come first serve. They just informed me the schedule ...
Hi! It's my second pregnancy, I can say that I am at the happiest moment of my life. My first born is already 6 years old and been longing to be a "kuya"(brother). He had been praying hard, visiting some churches with my mother-in-law to wish for a sibling. Blessed God heard him. My husband and I never expected for me to be pregnant for we have been trying to conceive for quite sometime. We weren't even using any contraceptives for almost 4 years. I was planning to go to an OBGyne last November- December. I really wanted a professional advice and had some medical tests to check if I was still fit to be a mother. However, it wasn't my priority then. I was too lazy to go and thinking that I should have my finances ready too if would start seeing and OB. On the last week of December, something was quite strange I noticed that I was gaining weight again and my period was delayed. Secretly, I bought some pregnancy tests on December 30th to check if I am pregnant. Bo...